Dear Comrade Alexis Tsipras,
We are writing to you as citizens of European countries which, like Greece, have faced the "debtocratic" offensive of the financial and oligarchical powers in Europe.
We turn to you and through you to the thousands of Greek citizens who cast their votes for your political organization to express our gratitude, our solidarity and our support for your determined resistance against the neoliberal devastation of the material conditions of daily life and of the very possibility of a life in common in Greece. We support you in your struggle for another way, a way which will mean justice, dignity and democracy for the Greek people, and for all peoples throughout the European Union.
We enthusiastically welcome your success in the latest Greek elections, and we also applaud your insistence on the incontrovertible meaning of these results; we encourage you to persevere in this course of action which has already furnished an example and a cause for hope for millions of men and women from all over Europe.
We want you, the members of your organization and the Greek citizens who, as political activists, trade unionists or participants in broad social movements, share the project of creating a common life truly based on freedom and solidarity, to know the hope with which we throughout Europe anticipate the possibility that, soon, a new Greek government of popular unity will confront the dictatorship of the financiers and bureaucrats who have hijacked Europe.
We see the current conjuncture in Greece as a turning point which could lead to a radical transformation of the European political and economic order. We need a new Europe, a Europe of and for its citizens and all its inhabitants, free of the brutal austerity policies that prioritize the payment of an odious, illegal and illegitimate debt, which prevents the human development of our communities. This is the call heard today throughout the squares of Europe, from Puerta del Sol in Madrid to Syntagma Square in Athens, squares scattered all over the European geography, liberated places that are the seeds and the constituent basis of the real democracy that women and men in Europe want to build together.
The struggle against neoliberal authoritarianism which signs away the present and the future of our peoples can only be successful at the European level. It is essential, also at the European level, that we create for ourselves truly democratic institutions which contribute to freedom and solidarity of the various peoples of Europe against the neoliberal directorate and its permanent economic and political state of exception.
"And after having waited for so long / finally the time to weigh anchor has come," said the poet Alexandros Panagoulis, who was your co-citizen –and ours. Women and men in Europe have already waited too long and endured too much. Once again, it has been left to the Greek people, so intimately acquainted with the sea, as well as with freedom, to take the responsibility of setting the course towards the new Europe we glimpse in our rebellious streets and voices. We stand shoulder to shoulder with you to set out together, a fraternal assembly of peoples, on what will undoubtedly be a difficult voyage, but one full of hope.
Please receive our gratitude and fraternal salutation